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How To Make Scary Big Decisions As A Mom

Ever had to make a decision that would change things in a big way, but couldn’t commit because you keep second-guessing yourself? It will either fix everything or ruin everything. Yepp, same. Here’s what you can do to help.

This year we decided to homeschool. There was a lot that went into this decision and it wasn’t made lightly. But inevitably when someone asks me about it, the first question is almost always, “So what made you make the decision to homeschool?”

And I truly don’t mind the question, but it kind of makes me laugh a little because I don’t imagine that’s a question that often gets asked when people decide to send their kids to “regular” school. But for some reason I still feel like I have to explain it as if I need to make the other person okay with it. Like I need them to understand why it’s right for our family; a collection of unsaid blessings and affirmations to validate our choice.

It’s scary making choices that are outside the norm. What if we’re doing the wrong thing and it sends us down the wrong path?

Your inner good-girl wants you to choose the option that makes you appear “good” to everyone who sees. Our brain wants to protect us by saying, “Make the safe choice. Don’t mess it up. You’re going to get in trouble if you do it wrong.” 

Is she really serving you though, getting you to where you want to go? Your good-girl generally wants you to stay unseen and non-controversial, be liked by everyone, and has to do the right thing all the time. Can’t step on any toes, can’t offend anyone, can’t step out of line.


Take it from me then: it’s okay to do things a little different, friend. Don’t let your inner good-girl keep you scared of messing up or making the wrong choice. Most of the time, the only thing stopping you is the thought, “but I don’t want people to think I’m ____.” A quitter? A weirdo? One of those girls?

Even if you’re misunderstood, if your heart and intentions are honest, you’re allowed to do things just because you want to without caring about the consequence of how others will perceive you.

So every time you struggle with a decision, take a sec to pause and consider if you’re struggling because you think one of the options might make someone’s view or opinion of you change. Is your good-girl trying to convince you that one option is “good” and one is “bad”? Once you realize that’s the basis of your decision making, how often are you doing it?




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